Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Vacation Part I: The Baltics to the Balkans

Hello folks!  July has been both busy and awesome!  The month began in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.  From there I went to Prague for a reunion with the fam, and soon we all felt the need for a vacation from our vacation so we jumped in the car and drove to Croatia.  And if that is not enough, I am currently the care-taker of an old Jewish cemetery in rural Czech Republic - that will be my focus for the next post, part II.

First Vilnius, one of my all time favorite places in Europe.  This was my third time visiting.

Castle thingy




These guys! (no idea)


Past and present

Cathedral: Past, present and future

The Green Bridge, on which you can find the only commy statues remaining in Vilnius.

And something that looks a lot like a cathedral


This is always, without fail, the first thing that happens when I get to Prague!


 I got a visit from a famous painter (ironically the bar is called Blue Light)

 Squatter 1

 Squatter 2 (shit, this could be me one day)


 Tabor, CZ

 Pig roast in a small village where my in-laws have a cottage

This is Peter and his pet-wild boar.  The boar had a disease so it was abandoned by its mother and Peter nursed it back to health.  Now he's like the family dog.


Honza, my father-in-law and Luisa, my niece.

A military park in Karlovac with weapons from Croatia's War of Independence.

And the destruction war causes

Past and more past.  

D and Luisa

And this ladies and gentleman, is what's next on the agenda!